Professional Presentations and Publications
During my graduate program at Sam Houston State University I was fortunate enough to be part of a research project focusing on the impact of industrial agriculture on small town sense of neighborliness. This research provided me the opportunity to present the findings at several sociological association meetings.
Argo, Daniel L., Caron Cates, and Douglas H. Constance. 2001. “Corporate Chickens and Community Quality of Life.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Sociological Society meetings. Forth Worth, TX. March17, 2001.
Argo, Daniel L., Caron Cates, Mirenda Harris, and Douglas H. Constance. 2001. “From Goldschmidt to Globalization: The Socio-Economic Impacts of Large-Scale Poultry Production in East Texas.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Association. Ft. Worth, TX. Jan. 28.
Constance, Douglas H., Daniel L. Argo, Mirenda Harris, Caron Cates, William Blome, and Alessandro Bonanno. 2000. “Industrialized Poultry Production and Community Controversy in Southeast Texas: A Multimedia Presentation of Voices of Protest and Organization.” Panel presentation made at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Washington, D.C. August. 15
Constance, Douglas H., Daniel L. Argo, and Alessandro Bonanno. 2000. “The Community Impacts of Large Scale Chicken Production in Southeast Texas: A Report from the Neighbors.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Washington, D.C. August. 15
Constance, Douglas H., Alessandro Bonanno, and Daniel L. Argo. 2000. “Balancing Economic
Development and Societal Legitimation: The Global Chicken Comes to Roost in Southeast Texas.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Washington, D.C. August. 15.
Constance, Douglas H., Alessandro Bonanno, and Daniel L. Argo. 2000. “Voices of Protest and
Organization: Community Controversy and Chicken Production in Southeast Texas.” Poster presented at the spring meeting of Citizens Against Poultry Pollution. Normangee, TX. April, 29.
Constance, Douglas H, Alessandro Bonanno, and Daniel L. Argo. 2000. “The Chickens of Madison, Leon, and Grimes Counties: Community Controversy and Poultry Producton in Southeast Texas.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Sociological Association. Galveston, TX. March 17.
Argo, Daniel L. and Douglas H. Constance. 2000. “Industrial Chicken Production and Community Controversy in Southeast Texas: An Overview.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Sociological Association. Galveston, TX. March 17.
Argo, Daniel L. , William Blome, Alessandro Bonanno, Caron Cates, Douglas H. Constance, Mirenda Harris, Shelida Miller, Ann Reynolds, and Russell Young. 2000. “Community Impacts of Industrialized Poultry Production in Southeast Texas: A Geographic Information System Presentation.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Sociological Association. Galveston, TX. March 17.
Constance, Douglas H., Alessandro Bonanno, and Daniel L. Argo. 2000. “Voices from the Neighborhoods: The Community Impacts of Industrialized Poultry Production in Southeastern Texas.” Poster presented at the Culture and Agriculture conference, The Role of Culture in the Agriculture of the 21st. Century.
San Antonio, TX. Feb.25.
Constance, Douglas H., Alessandro Bonanno, and Daniel L. Argo. 2000. “The Global Food System Comes to Roost: Corporate Chickens and Community Controversy in Southeast Texas.” Paper presented at the Culture and Agriculture conference, The Role of Culture in the Agriculture of the 21st. Century. San Antonio, TX. Feb.26.
Constance, Douglas H., Alessandro Bonanno, and Daniel L. Argo. 2000. “Voices of Protest and
Organization: Community Controversy and Chicken Production in Southeast Texas.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Society. Lexington, KY. Jan.31.
Constance, Douglas H., Alessandro Bonanno, Caron Cates, Daniel Argo, and Mirenda Harris. 2003. “Resisting Integration in the Global Agro-food System: Corporate Chickens and Community Controversy in Texas.” Pp. 103-118 in Reidar Almas and Geoffrey Lawrence (eds.), Globalization, Localization, and Sustainable Livelihoods. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Press.